If you haven’t read the original saga, I wouldn’t start with this one. No surprises then that I enjoyed this version of Twilight a whole lot more than the original. I actually found him not only preferable to Jacob, but a whole lot more interesting than Bella. Here were are, it’s finally published and here I am, inevitably reading it because in the spirit of this confessing mood, I was team Edward. We were all so disappointed when the book just never eventuated because of some leaking scandal that I’ve now forgotten all the details about.

I also remember reading the unpublished version of this book on the author’s website, or at least, the extract that she had available. But I got sucked in, read all four books back to back as well as a spin off novella I can’t even remember the name of now, and followed it up with all of the movies. In 2011, I spent some time being a Twilight fan.

Many of you might be a tad surprised to see this book pop up here, but I have a confession to make. In MIDNIGHT SUN, Stephenie Meyer transports us back to a world that has captivated millions of readers and brings us an epic novel about the profound pleasures and devastating consequences of immortal love. How can he justify following his heart if it means leading Bella into danger? As we learn more fascinating details about Edward’s past and the complexity of his inner thoughts, we understand why this is the defining struggle of his life. Meeting Bella is both the most unnerving and intriguing event he has experienced in all his years as a vampire. This unforgettable tale as told through Edward’s eyes takes on a new and decidedly dark twist. At last, readers can experience Edward’s version in the long-awaited companion novel, MIDNIGHT SUN. But until now, fans have heard only Bella’s side of the story. When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born.